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Berkshires as Living Laboratory: Hike at The Boulders

  • City as Living Laboratory (CALL) 349 Greenwich Street #5 New York, NY 10013 (map)

Join us on Sunday October 3rd to explore the forest with CALL’s founder Mary Miss and scientist Charles Canham. This walk will be the first CALL/WALK in the Berkshires as Living Laboratory program series.

Berkshires as Living Laboratory aims to increase inclusion and accessibility to natural and cultural resources. Please join these artist- and scientist-led programs to experience new perspectives on the histories, current conditions, and barriers to inclusion. Imagine possible futures along BNRC trails.

BNRC is partnering with CALL/City as Living Laboratory, the Berkshire Museum, and several community stakeholders: Living the Change, Word X Word, NAACP, Berkshire Environmental Action Team (B.E.A.T.), Manos Unidas, to launch Berkshires as Living Laboratory.   education, and outdoor recreation initiatives.

WALK Leaders 

Mary Miss – Founder and Artistic Director of CALL/City as Living Laboratory. Since the early 1970s, Mary Miss has redefined how art is integrated into the public realm. Her place-based work crosses boundaries between landscape architecture, architecture, urban design, and graphic communication. She has transformed people’s experience of New York City, from redefining NYC’s waterfront through South Cove (1984-1987) to revealing the history of the Union Square Subway Station (1992-2000), and developing a framework for artists’ projects as the NYC Dept. of Design and Construction’s first Artist in Residence (2017).

Charles Canham studies the dynamics of forest ecosystems and how they respond to a wide range of human impacts. Using field research, novel statistical methods, and computer models, Canham predicts forest response to factors including climate change, introduced pests and pathogens, logging regimes, and air pollution.  He received a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University in 1984 and then joined Cary Institute of Ecosystem

This project has been supported by the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation and the Lee Bank Foundation

Project Partners